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asdlkf 11-28-2006 05:38 PM

I'll ask you about this tonight...

Does anyone else think we should cancel the matches on 12/26/2006 and play them on 2/7/2006 ??

I personally dont really want a match on boxing day... but that could be just me...

TheToastmaster 11-28-2006 05:40 PM

I can't see that being a bad thing. Most stores are open then, and I would certainly have nothing agianst a match that evening.

Shutter 11-28-2006 11:14 PM

Theres no hope in any of hells 20,000 levels that I'd play on boxing day. Even if I did get off work in time, I'd be so brain fucked and tired that I'd just want to lay down and cry.

john.doe 11-29-2006 07:12 AM

The matches on the 26th will be added to the end of the season.

Unfortunately, the program I used to create the schedule wasn't intelligent enough to take into account the days surrounding major holidays, only the days of.

And I wasn't intelligent enough to re-read the schedule and look for things like this.

Oh well, no biggie. I will edit the schedule tonight and re-post it. I'll send a note once it is completed.

Amos 11-30-2006 06:53 AM

... Haha I can just imagine driving to XT on boxing day... My god would it be awful.

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