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g00mba 06-24-2005 02:52 PM

Toast have you signed up for KS2?

kid_ding 06-24-2005 03:22 PM

4. gloves - choice of gloves is all up to you. Whether you want reinforced gloves (sold at XT) or just shooting gloves. Then after that, decide on whether you like full finger or half fingered. I have both but I personally prefer full finger. Half gives you a better feel for the gun while full gives better protection. What you could do is get full but just cut off half for the trigger finger on the right glove.

6. boots - whatever you want. Jungle, SWAT, whatever. I don't suggest steel toes, they're heavy. I wore them once and they weren't that comfortable. Jungle boots drain out water fast but they won't keep you dry. I just got SWAT boots and they are very comfortable.

3. facemask/goggles - do you wear glasses? if you do, facemask would be best bet. They don't fog up and you'll have less problems with them. There are goggles that go over glasses but I personally don't like them. Goggles tend to fog up a lot and even that anti-fog stuff doesn't work 100%. Get contacts if you can.

g00mba 06-24-2005 04:48 PM

4. gloves - i think i'd go with the padded full glove

5. boots - why do the jungle boots drain quick but don't keep you dry?

6. goggles - yes i do wear glass, i HATE glasses, but I'd rather wear them then contacts. I haven't worn contacts in about a year or more. Why do you suggest a facemask with glasses?

Thanks for the help! Well tonight I'm going out, gotta get off the boards.... but it is too hard....

TheToastmaster 06-24-2005 05:22 PM

I haven't signed up yet, because I don't have enough gear yet, and my being there will probably depend on the presence of people I am familiar with being there (on my team) as well.
I'm getting OD, I'm not a fan of CADPAT or DPM.
Most gear is easy to get, especially if you don't mind used stuff.

You'll need other simple stuff like a pistol belt of some sort just to help with load bearing, and you'll want a radio for Keystone too.
You won't necessarily need a vest, many people use other forms of load bearing like chest rigs, webbing and pouches. Myself, I don't have any big mags to carry, since my shotty shells all go on my shotty, and I'm going to have my sidearm on an SMG rig probably, which also holds its mags. I'll probably just have an assortment of belt pouches and loadbearing suspenders to keep my pants up. It all depends on what you're packing, and how much you're carrying.

kid_ding 06-25-2005 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by g00mba
4. gloves - i think i'd go with the padded full glove

5. boots - why do the jungle boots drain quick but don't keep you dry?

6. goggles - yes i do wear glass, i HATE glasses, but I'd rather wear them then contacts. I haven't worn contacts in about a year or more. Why do you suggest a facemask with glasses?

Thanks for the help! Well tonight I'm going out, gotta get off the boards.... but it is too hard....

It doesn't matter how careful you are, your feet and socks will get wet. Trust me. I suggest a facemask because they are mesh and won't fog. I've played wiht glasses under my facemask and they do fog. With goggles, it'll double the amount of fogging.

TheToastmaster 06-25-2005 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by kid_ding
I suggest a facemask because they are mesh and won't fog. I've played wiht glasses under my facemask and they do fog. With goggles, it'll double the amount of fogging.

I know there are countless discussions about this online, but I think it mostly comes down to personal preference. I have glasses and I get far more fogging from XT's Sansei masks than I have using Borrowed Paintball goggles...
With mesh, the mesh won't fog, but depending on how you breathe (seriously) your glasses might. In XT, I find that my glasses often fog when I'm trying to move more slowly, and stealthily and sight in a target because I start to breathe through my mouth instead of my nose for some reason. The mesh won't fog, but it still keeps moisture in...
Goggles shouldn't fog as long as you get some soap or wax to keep them from fogging (there are many methods to do this), though there are certainly enough places where you can read about goggle fogging problems...

MrWong 06-26-2005 11:49 AM

I've heard that mesh masks can restrict your vision in low light scenarios. I've certainly noticed that it is harder to aim with a mask on than goggles in the back room.

Jmacs 06-26-2005 07:05 PM

the black mesh practically blends in with the dark thats why you get some difficulty shooting. when im in the dark i practically prone and think to myself.. is it really worth it to go out there right now.. so i just wait till someone runs by my sights and then run for it when i feel comfortable :D

Zeta 06-26-2005 10:56 PM


Regarding boots, the main question goes down to the use of them. Indoor or outdoor? If outdoor which field?? Now if these were purchased for KS2 then I will STRONGLY recommend Jungle boots. Knowing the field myself your feet WILL get wet regardless, and your going to need Jungle boots to drain that water out.
With waterproof boots, you would run into issues if your stepping on water that's over a foot high because the water would seep in from the top of the boot (where your foot would enter) and STAY in your boots until you flip your boots upside down. In most cases waterproof boots will do you fine (I usually use my old pair of Danners), but in wet areas like THE RANCH, and in a 24 hour game, you are BOUND to step in some.

Regarding mesh vs Lens goggles.

They both have pros and cons in each. However at XT since it's an indoor facility mesh was the best choice. Toastmaster, you don't notice the fogging with lens goggles during an "outdoor" game for the pure reason of you being outdoor, indoor is a whole different story/ball game. I have gotten PLENTY of customers with personal goggles trying to play at XT with them, and ends up coming back 15 mins because they were fogging (even tho they have never fogged once outdoors). Price of the goggles and brands doesn't matter, we've gotten low end walmart ones up to high end JT's and Bolle's and fogging still applies because your indoors. Air circulation and body heat emits differently from a TacSim and MilSim game. The overall action intensity in a TacSim game is alot more compared to a Milsim one. 45mins in XT will make you sweat more then you would then a 6 hour game outdoors on a sunny afternoon. Now I am not promoting one over the other, they are both just as fun and both are different in good ways. I just used the comparision regarding fogging.

Mesh Mask
-Doesn't fog UNLESS you wear glasses, then your glasses fogs regardless.
-Less maintance you don't really have to replace the lens ever, unless your picky and you mind little dents.
-Does not reflect light (so it doesn't give off your position) (you can also buy mesh screens for paintball goggles to prevent reflection).
-Not as costly compared to others.
-Like what the Jap Russian said, it's harder to see in the dark (since the screen is black in a black setting). However this isn't THAT big of an issue in my opinion. It just takes time to get use to. I had to learn this the hard way. During one night game I decided to leave my mesh goggles behind and use a lensed one....least to say I was fogging like a mofo because it was dark the humidity also increased so even on a pair of goggles that won't fog in the daytime did at night (regardless of coating).
-Limited models
-Doesn't fit everyone perfectly. Now in my opinons comfort is a HUGE deal, I mean especially if it's something you have to wear for a long period of time. And depending on how your face is shaped/sized it might not be the greatest fit.
-Not good for certain conditions. Such as rain (as the water would just run down the screen which doesn't really help) and to clear it you pretty much have to remove the goggles and shake them. With lens you can wipe it off). And in sandy areas you can get dust and sand in your eyes easy which sucks ass.

Lensed Mask
-Alot of choices, and when you have alot of choices you are bound to find something you like and works well with you.
-You can pretty much buy them anywhere as it's not a speciality item.
-Clear so you vision is almost regular, not like mesh were if you have to adjust your eyes into see the correct patterns.
-Good for most styles of play wet/dry/sand, etc.
-Fogs regardess. Firstly it depends on the person, the amount of heat that emits from an individual differs alot. Second the type of lens or whatever type of coating it has. Some fog resistance ones are amazing, however the shit wears off the more often you use it, and the more often you touch it (as in cleaning and maintance). And once the coating goes, you pretty much have to replace your lens. Which means $$$ Which also include damage from normal use like scrufs.
-Solution for fogging?? You can always a) replace your lens (more of a solid fix) b) buy fog resistance spray c) Rig up a goggle fan system (which is perfect if you don't mind the little buzzing sound it gives off, and it's not like you would have it on constantly, you only turn it on when you notice fogging to clear things up.

To be honest it's always best to have both.

And you really have to weight what is more important to you. Now I choose mesh most of the time because fogging is a HUGE problem for me, nothing ruins the game more then not being able to see at all. This problem has ruined MANY games for me (which is why I wear contacts when I play). But in certain fields I would choose lens googles/shooting glasses if it's a nice day outside or if I'm around alot of dust and sand.

I wouldn't recommend shooting glasses to anyone tho. No offense to those using them as I use them as well. But just for liability factors. They don't offer a compete seal around your eyes and they arn't secure (as most don't have straps). So your glasses can easily slip off during intense heat/action (say if you were to dive down into a bunker) and depending on the shape of your face, it leaves alot of space for bb's to travel. They are good if you want to take the risk... But once again not recommended due to safety reasons.

And that concludes another one of my essays. :P. I guess I'm just trying to make up for my lack of posts.

I hope that helps

g00mba 06-27-2005 06:01 PM

It seems like jungle boots it is...

This is probably a real n00b question but do the lens goggles face masks come apart into the face mask part and the goggles. I would like something where I'm not running around with a mask on in the bush. Whether it is mesh or lens I think I would prefer Lens. Any suggestions?

Toast, you up for going gear/BDU hunting one day?

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