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DRAVEN 08-08-2006 11:15 AM

why can I own a CO2 Pellet gun
you should not have one if your not 18 it is the same with airsoft YOU MUST BE 18 TO BUY ANY WEAPON!

so if your not 18 you should not have your own AEG, and no one should be selling you one!

Andrew 08-08-2006 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by AL C4PWN3D
So, let me get this straight...
I can not buy or own an AEG until I'm 18. True?
Out of curiosity, why can I own a CO2 Pellet gun

You can't, that is illegal too. You may possess and use one under the immediate supervision of someone that is 18+ but you cannot "own" a pellet gun. It is still classified as a firearm under the Criminal Code that is simply exempt from certain conditions such as storage, transport, registration, and usage. Age restrictions still apply.

and use a .22

Again, under adult supervision. If they are not physically there with you and able to take immediate control of the firearm, you are committing an indictable offense under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Secondly, if I have my own AEG and I come into XT (I'm under 18), you won't let me use it?

That depends. If you are under 18 you would need to be accompanied by a parent and have them sign off on the waiver. Note that XT isn't a daycare for older kids so parents aren't supposed to just drop off their kids thinking the staff will take care of them for an hour. If they are accompanying you it stands to reason that they are in possession of the AEG and you are being supervised in its use. I'm sure the paid staff will clarify that further (I'm part-time volunteer staff).

I'm just wondering, I'm new to the world of "real" airsoft.

The only stupid question is the one not answered. It's great to see someone new to the sport trying to gather information, it really puts you in a positive light and demonstrates your willingness to learn and be responsible. Keep it up!


Andrew 08-08-2006 11:22 AM

The only stupid question is the one not answered.

Whoops, meant to say the one not ASKED. Someone care to explain why the hell we can't edit our own posts?

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:30 AM

Alright thanks, that clears a lot up.

And yes, both uses are under adult supervision (.22 and CO2).

I am not a fool running around the city with any type of firearm, I was just wondering about use vs. ownership.

I guess my last few posts do sound like I do irresponsible things, but I assure you it's not the case.

The few times I have fired a .22 were under adult supervision and the CO2 weapon is only fired outside the city, once again under adult supervision.

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:32 AM

lol yeah, and if I would've been able to edit my own posts, my thoughts would likely be a bit clearer.

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:34 AM

Canadian Tire doesn't help as far as my understanding use of firearms vs. ownership of a firearm. They will let a kid do anything with a firearm except pay for it. Highly confusing. :S

Andrew 08-08-2006 11:38 AM

In the decade-plus that I've used the internet, I've come to the realization that it is a very poor medium for dialogue in the communication of emotion, opinion, and personality. It's a great tool for information exchange and research, but so often on forums do things come out the way they were not intended. You have no body language, no facial expressions (and smileys are a poor substitute) to go by, all you have is pure text by which to form your own opinions and emotions. Then people jump to conclusions and make judgements that are often incorrect which leads to tension and animosity, whereas if they'd discussed the same thing face to face the outcome would've been a lot more pleasant. I know from experience.

The fact we cannot edit posts here only exacerbates the situation. Remember that once it's on the internet, it's sacred nevermore.

john.doe 08-08-2006 11:45 AM

ROFLMAO Draven, that img in your sig is hillarious. Can't believe I just noticed it now.

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:49 AM

Exactly, I'm glad you know how I feel. Meanwhile, I'll keep learning about this sport and try to get into your facility ASAP.

Thanks Andrew,

Iggy 08-09-2006 05:49 PM

Just make sure you read up about the rules of importing/exporting airsoft... and the rules of playing. By the time you are old enough to buy a guy you SHOULD know what you are doing.

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