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TheToastmaster 06-28-2005 07:10 PM

Sure am, I have to get another gun case soon, and look at BDUs and stuff.
Lens goggles can be bought on their own at most paintball places sans mask (I have to get some too). I believe that most paintball store people should know whether certain goggles are rated right for airsoft. (right?)

gypsy 06-28-2005 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by TheToastmaster
I believe that most paintball store people should know whether certain goggles are rated right for airsoft. (right?)

Most paintball-store people are idiots who know virtually nothing about airsoft because they spend all their time/money playing (duh!) paintball.

Don't ask paintball-people for advice about airsoft....you don't take your car to a plumber to get fixed, do you?


Bascially, any goggle that's impact rated for ANSI Z87.1 or higher is fine for airsoft....that mean 99.9% of new paintball goggles.

TheToastmaster 06-28-2005 09:36 PM

Who needs paintball-shopkeepers for info?
Thanks Gypsy.

Zeta 07-02-2005 06:41 PM

If I'm not wrong, MOST paintball goggles do allow you to remove the face mask piece. (Although some models/types don't allow for it, so it's really something you have to see when you first touch it). Or you can ask the guys at the store, I'm sure that if they don't know, they won't mind cracking open a box to let you check it, or let you see the display model.

Regarding not wearing a mask in the bush.....I really don't know what to say. Alot of guys don't, however I can think of countless times where branches would strach up my face/baring body pretty bad, and alot of times I'm glad that I have a mask on when I'm running in the bush. So it's really your call. I've eve had a time where a branch (or something) cut my forarm open (it wasn't a deep cut tho, but it left a nice red mark for a week or so).

I guess what I'm trying to say is, the mask doesn't only protect you from bb's aimed at your face, it protects you from the elements as well.

It's the matter of caring and not caring. Regardless of how "careful" you might be, shit might still happen. Are you going to carefully walk threw the bush avoiding branches hitting your face while your running away from a fire fight because you have to retreat??? I don't think so.

Even tho alot of guys don't give a damn about what happens to their face (which is probably most of us here). So it's really up to you.

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