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Amos 09-03-2006 10:50 PM

As for being underaged and bringing your own gun to XT... I do beleive it's fine.. I've done it before...

The only thing is -- You have to have it in a case, and the case must be locked... (Or so I was able to bring my gun under those conditions)

Cosmonaut 1 09-03-2006 11:22 PM

Hey buds, make sure you check the date before you post. There hasn't been any activity in this thread for almost a month...until now of course.

Kibblez and Bitz 03-28-2007 11:04 PM

This is an old post but I hope that if anyone reads it again that they could help out. You guys should all come to Winkler! All you have to do is ask a farmer if you can play and you have acres and acres of forested land to play on! Plus as long as you're out of the public's view, the RCMP will let you play!!!!!

Neverhood 03-29-2007 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by Kibblez and Bitz
This is an old post but I hope that if anyone reads it again that they could help out. You guys should all come to Winkler! All you have to do is ask a farmer if you can play and you have acres and acres of forested land to play on! Plus as long as you're out of the public's view, the RCMP will let you play!!!!!

You should head over to www.mb-airsoft.com because we already have rules and fields inplace that are available to us. Hope to see you over there.

Kibblez and Bitz 03-29-2007 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by Neverhood
You should head over to www.mb-airsoft.com because we already have rules and fields inplace that are available to us. Hope to see you over there.

Thanks for that :D But I can't play with you guys on those cuz im only 15 :(
Normally I play on my friend's ranch in the Pembina Hills, but I think they're moving soon:( I was hoping some of you guys might be willing to have an outdoor game with some minors one of these days. Although you guys knowing where Winkler is would be like asking an American where Winnipeg is :p Either way, even though you guys are really strict on the underage thing (and rightly so) I'm hoping i can get some games with some real pros before I'm old enough to embarass myself at XT lol.

Iggy 03-29-2007 07:36 PM

Highly doubt that. The 18+ rule for outdoor games is set for a reason. It keeps the land owner safe from people suing and keeps the kids safe by not being exposed to awesomeness (har har.. lil joke there). The only way, that i can think of, for you to play is if the owner of the place says its alright...highly doubtful tho. Embarrass yourself at XT? How would you do that. Everyone makes fools of themselves, some more than others, Jyce, its all in good fun though. I dont think Ive played a single game at XT where it was super serious.

DRAVEN 03-30-2007 08:55 AM

your best be tit to turn 16 and play at xt till your 18 and ten come outdoors with the big boys with big toys, i myself would not feel right about pulling the trigger of my 470 fps sniper rifle on a 15 year old. Hell i have the same problem pulling the trigger on the few ladys we get out from time to time. (but i still do lol )

p.phresh 03-30-2007 11:48 AM

hahah... he said be tit.

Kibblez and Bitz 03-30-2007 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by DRAVEN
your best be tit to turn 16 and play at xt till your 18 and ten come outdoors with the big boys with big toys, i myself would not feel right about pulling the trigger of my 470 fps sniper rifle on a 15 year old. Hell i have the same problem pulling the trigger on the few ladys we get out from time to time. (but i still do lol )

In our games we shoot ourselves with our guns point-blank so we know what we're getting everyone into, should have seen my friends face with his 425 fps sniper :D But I guess It's different when you play with people you don't know, that would actually sue :eek: Out here we all lknow eachother and no one would sue, they wouldn't have a reason to. Another thing, we have fields to play on out here, as long as we're out of sight with black guns the cops leave us alone, some of them actually asked to join in one time.

Iggy 03-31-2007 01:39 AM

Nobody will sue? How can you be 100% positive of that. What if one day one of your buddies is playing and he ends up slipping and breaking his back...leaving him paralized...would you not sue the owner of the land, I bet your parents would. Frankly you guys dont have legal permission to play on these fields and that just screams "sue me." I know most of the guys out here that I play with but that wouldnt stop my parents from going crazy if I should sustain serious injuries.

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