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john.doe 11-18-2006 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Neverhood
Just a guess, but maybe at XT where the registration is done?

You are correct sir!

Vortex 11-18-2006 08:38 PM

im sure my team would be up for this long drive but worth it
DustinF/ Vortex/ Canadian Coalition/

Neverhood 11-18-2006 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Vortex
im sure my team would be up for this long drive but worth it
DustinF/ Vortex/ Canadian Coalition/

ummm the games are every week all winter... so unless you plan on moving here for 4 months...

john.doe 11-19-2006 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by Vortex
im sure my team would be up for this long drive but worth it
DustinF/ Vortex/ Canadian Coalition/

Check your PMs.

john.doe 11-20-2006 04:12 PM

After some last-minute craziness, teams trying to join, and others regretfully unable to participate, the schedule is complete and final.

Because I do not expect everyone to be able to drop what they are doing and play a game that will count towards stats and ranking with less than a days notice, this week will be an exhibition week. Each remaining team has a scheduled game, and all are different game-types so our officials have some time to adjust and be properly trained on how these game will work.

All in all, I think this exhibition week should have been done from the beginning, and will be beneficial to all. Players and officials alike.

The schedule is up at the CQB Website [http://cqb.teamhellfish.com/schedule.php] for download. And a copy of the exhibition schedule is there as well.

Please remember that we cannot let anyone play who has not yet signed a waiver, so coming early to get that looked after would be a great idea. The times listed are not times you should show up to the game, but rather the times the game will start. The only time a game will start late is if a booking is already in briefing or is running late.

Please remember that games can be re-scheduled to any time of the week with XT Staff approval (please keep in mind that re-schedule requests for busy times will likely be rejected).

For those who attended the Draft Day, I have scheduled a time during the Exhibition Week for you all to come down and play the VIP Escort/Hostage Rescue game against Team X-T. This looks to be a great time for all, so if you were at Draft Day, this is a free game for you. This will be a blast I'm sure. I'll be playing the part of the VIP, so it will give each of you all a chance to shoot me a few times (but remember, I'm one wiley SOB). ;)

I also haven't got around to posting the results from the Draft Day, so stay tuned as they should be going up shortly.

Thanks again for everyone's patience, this has been a learning experience for us all. Now let's all get drunk and play ping-pong!

- Rich

john.doe 11-20-2006 10:48 PM

UPDATE :: One more team has been removed off the schedule, so the schedule has been updated to be 3 games per week. We are still 6 teams strong, and I have updated the schedule accordingly.

One on Tuesday and two on Saturday.

Please re-review the schedule if you have already looked at it in the hours between my last post and this one.


john.doe 11-22-2006 04:29 PM

The first wave of Exhibition games concluded last night, and was an amazing success!

I'd like to specifically thank Strike Force Aries and Team X-T who came out to play on such short notice last night. The first game featured Team X-T versus Forever Knights in an Elimination-style matchup. The game was incredibly close during the first round, but in the second, Team X-T managed to pull out ahead. Great game guys, I'm sure it was as much fun to play as it was for me to watch. The firefight in the beginning of the second round was worth the price of admission alone. People dying, respawning, and dying all over again. I don't think I've seen such an intense firefight in any game I've refereed. Great job to both teams. Final score was 49-35 for Team X-T.

The second game was scheduled to be a Find the Flag game, but I couldn't find the flags myself (that's how challenging this game is!). We changed it to an Elimination-style game for Strike Force Aries versus Team Jong Il. This game was close throughout the first and second rounds, and the victor was decided in the fleeting seconds of the last round. During the game, Gryphon let loose his CO2 Grenade which was powerful enough to make the lights flicker, and me nearly crap my pants. Both teams fought hard, and the score reflected their efforts. Final Score was 41-40 for Strike Force Aries.

Again, thanks guys, it was a great time. THere are a few things we learned from last night that I'd like to share with the participants.

Gun hits will now count as an elimination. Because we hold our guns close to our torso when we move, they prove an unfair advantage as cover. In many cases, when someone was hit in the torso, the BB was deflected off a firearm, thus resulting in a gun hit instead of an elimination. To fix this, all gun hits will count as an elimination.

In many cases, when a player uses a riot shield, it leaves only the top of their head or their legs exposed. Shots to the boots are hard to feel. At this time we are not planning to remove the use of riot shields, but we ask the players who use them to be extra cautious to look out for leg hits. Other players may get frustrated if they empty a magazine at your legs, and they all go off your boots. A boot hit is still a hit. So please watch for this if you intend to use a riot shield.

Many grenades do not propel BBs fast enough to be felt through a vest or thick clothing. THerefore when a grenade is detonated in a room or hallway you occupy, you will be counted as hit. If you are around a corner when the device detonates, you are still active, and do not need to call yourself hit. Small obstacles like shelves, or cardboard boxes, are not adequate cover, and will only confuse the situation. If you are in the same room as a grenade detonates, and not on the other side of a wall, you are hit.

We ran about an hour behind last night. Please remember that the time listed on the schedule is not the tie you should arrive at XT, but rather the time we will start the music and begin the game. Please give yourself adequate time to gear up and prepare your magazines before the start of the game. 30-45 minutes is usually plently of time. If at least 4 team members are not present and ready to play at game time, the match will be forefit. Please adhere to this schedule closely.

THanks again to all who participated yesterday. It was a great time. I can't wait until the real games start next week!


- Rich (john.doe)

asdlkf 11-22-2006 08:05 PM

The first game was awsome. Cudos to who ever on team XT was using the shield. I cant get over that double mercy about 2 minutes from the end of the game when you were advancing towards the meat room from the dark room.

john.doe 11-23-2006 01:28 PM

I have had a number of concerns about the Saturday games, and teams that may not be able to make them.

Is this the general consensus regarding Saturday AM? Are there objections to making all the games fall on Tuesdays now that there is only 3 games per week?

We originally had to extend it to another day to accomodate 5 games/week and now that we don't need to do that, are we all cool with moving back to Tuesdays?

I need a vote from every Team Captain about this. I need to know before midnight tomorrow. It's not fair to the players that I keep changing the schedule like this.

You can email or PM me with your response.

I will be emailing all Team Captains individually as well.

TheToastmaster 11-23-2006 06:42 PM

If you'll be emailing to my hellfish email, I can't access it ("ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."), but I'll talk to the team as much as I can about this within the time limit and get back to you, Rich.

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