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john.doe 11-23-2006 08:33 PM

Try using the web client at: http://www.teamhellfish.com/webmail/

TheToastmaster 11-23-2006 09:03 PM

Found the problem, never mind. :D

Cosmonaut 1 11-24-2006 12:34 AM

Vote Saturdays!

john.doe 11-24-2006 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by TheToastmaster
Found the problem, never mind. :D

Lemme guess. You selected IMAP instead of POP3 server...


TheToastmaster 11-24-2006 01:11 PM

Nope, nothing that advanced. I was in the right place, doing the right thing, but I had my address wrong. Had to go check my PMs on the team forum to see that it was toastmaster not thetoastmaster. :P
I'm just that good.

john.doe 11-24-2006 07:47 PM

It's unanimous... games will be on Tuesdays only. I am making the new schedule now, and it should be up my tomorrow morning.

Also, due to the number of teams that are remaining, and that they have each been able to play on Tuesday (excluding Team Wolfpack, but these guys really don't need that practice day anyways, right? ;) ), the games on Saturday have been cancelled. I will re-schedule (yet again) the game I owe to the Draft Day participants.

I promise you'll get your chance to shoot the crap outta me soon.

Look for the new schedule shortly, and this is indeed the FINAL SCHEDULE.

Last, but certainly not least, we have dropped in size from 10 teams to 5 teams, and as such the amount of cash collected for the registration fees has been cut in half as well. Unfortunately I can't put $900 of my own money into the Grand Prize to award each team $1800 in gift certs to ASC Armoury, the Grand Prize must be cut in half to compensate.

Also the amount of money a player will have to put towards games has dropped in half with half as many teams, so we're still on the same target.

Essentially, the league has scaled accordingly to match the number of registrants.

If there are any questions, you can email or PM me and I'll be happy to answer them.

Thanks again everyone, and I look forward to watching the first teams go head to head on Tuesday.

Peace out.

malfactor 11-25-2006 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by asdlkf
The first game was awsome. Cudos to who ever on team XT was using the shield. I cant get over that double mercy about 2 minutes from the end of the game when you were advancing towards the meat room from the dark room.

Thank you! It was an interesting experience using that shield. A word of advice to anyone who uses one, use a MESH MASK! My anti-fog lenses fogged up for the first time ever because I was so close to the shield.

Shutter 11-25-2006 09:34 PM

I was at the exhibition game past tuesday and due to the fact that I played in the second set, I didn't get to take any pictures of the first 2 teams to play. Sorry guys! However, I was able to get the following shot of Strike Force Aries versus Team Jong Il

However I'm not in it, even though I play for TJI. The reason? John.Doe has acid trip flavoured vision.

john.doe 11-27-2006 07:24 AM

Wow. My pics suck the big one.

And what's worse, is I really do know how to use an SLR. At least I thought I did...

asdlkf 11-27-2006 11:17 AM

Gryph - post the ones i took with your camera. Im confident they came out ok

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