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NEECHOLOGY 11-08-2006 06:52 PM

A question
if there was another indoor airsoft thingy would you two face off?????
would i be able to bid money in that game :cool:

Amos 11-08-2006 08:36 PM

... There is always indoor airsoft games...

That's what Xtreme tactics is all about...

And, Lol you're not of age, so you cant bet unless it's a government sanctioned place of "Gambling" which XT isn't. (Protip: You can bet @ age 16 in Manitoba! :O 18-'s arn't allowed in casinos because of the alcohol, not the betting! :D I used to work @ Assiniboia downs)

Plus, It's really hard to determine the winners of a XT game.. unless it's a huge slaughter...

MadMac 11-17-2006 07:32 PM

After pulling out my "Poor writing -> English" handbook, I think what NEECHOLOGY is really wondering is this:

"If there were another indoor Airsoft facility in Winnipeg, would the staff of both facilities face off against each other? Would I be able to bet money on who would win the game? Since my writing isn't expressive enough, I'll add lots of question marks to make it look like I'm asking the question `hard'."

And the answer is... there would probably be a friendly rivalry between the two places that would probably culminate in a match or two between them. In fact, now that I think about it, the event would probably make a good fundraising event for some cause or other.

Noskcaj 11-17-2006 08:05 PM

In fact, now that I think about it, the event would probably make a good fundraising event for some cause or other.
Reply With Quote

Or it could help educate the public on the sport and be the first step on the road to a loosening of the laws surrounding airsoft.:) *Girllish glee*

Amos 11-18-2006 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by MadMac
After pulling out my "Poor writing -> English" handbook, I think what NEECHOLOGY is really wondering is this:

"If there were another indoor Airsoft facility in Winnipeg, would the staff of both facilities face off against each other? Would I be able to bet money on who would win the game? Since my writing isn't expressive enough, I'll add lots of question marks to make it look like I'm asking the question `hard'."

And the answer is... there would probably be a friendly rivalry between the two places that would probably culminate in a match or two between them. In fact, now that I think about it, the event would probably make a good fundraising event for some cause or other.

Jesus Christ. Where can I get a copy of this mirical book? I must say, I'm extremely impressed with your translation.

Iggy 11-18-2006 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by MadMac
And the answer is... there would probably be a friendly rivalry between the two places that would probably culminate in a match or two between them. In fact, now that I think about it, the event would probably make a good fundraising event for some cause or other.

Pfft we all know XT would win. Cmon we have Gord and Trip... SUPER NINJAS!!

TheToastmaster 11-18-2006 01:46 AM

Bryan, I am in awe of your translation powers.
I honestly didn't know what he was getting at until you translated... and now it's crystal clear.
I'm sure there'd be plenty a friendly game, but I can't imagine who'd open another indoor facility here, or why. There are only a few in Canada, and none compare to XT so there wouldn't be much competition.

kid_ding 11-18-2006 05:07 PM

There would be no face-off. No one would even try to challenge us.

No, we're not that good... we're gooder.

Cpt_Wesker 11-18-2006 07:45 PM

lol Ding is "gooder" even a word? :D

Neverhood 11-18-2006 10:08 PM

How DARE you question ding!

DRAVEN 11-19-2006 12:38 AM

the ding will crush you!!

TheToastmaster 11-19-2006 12:40 AM

But he's only kidding.


Amos 11-19-2006 12:09 PM

Ding has the airhorn advantage... and zombie air humping aswell...

Yup, No contest.

Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 08:11 PM


Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 08:12 PM

at me

Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 08:12 PM


Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 08:14 PM


Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 08:15 PM


Amos 11-19-2006 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1
at me

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1

You only wish.

+ I've never posted simply to bump up my post count... If you look @ my posts their either on topic... Or "editing" the thing once my edit time has run out.

Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 10:31 PM

Are you trying to infer that that I'm simply doing that to boost my post count? It's not my sole motive, but hey, if we're counting, you're not even within an earshot of me.

Amos 11-19-2006 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1
Are you trying to infer that that I'm simply doing that to boost my post count? It's not my sole motive, but hey, if we're counting, you're not even within an earshot of me.

We've done this math before. :D

You: 240 / 15 (months) = 16 posts per month

Me: 146 / 3 (months) = 48.666 posts a month

:D At the current rate we're going... I'll surpass you in in 3 months {(146 + 49 + 49 + 49 = 293) as apposed to (240 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 285)}

:D I'd say I'm MORE than within an earshot of you. But seriously... We're arguing about who's post count will be greater. :D We may as well be arguing about who's got the best character on an MMORPG or who's the best at dungeons and dragons.

Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 11:09 PM

It doesn't matter how you divide your post count or mine, I still have a higher post count than you.

Amos 11-19-2006 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1
It doesn't matter how you divide your post count or mine, I still have a higher post count than you.

Jesus Christ, This isn't worth my effort. I truly don't care if you have a higher post count, in the end of everything it makes NO difference.

If you haven't seen my response in the other thread, I'm dropping this whole thing right now... I don't think it can get any more childish (Again, I shouldn't be the one telling you this, as I'm probably younger than you are.)... although I don't doubt it.

Cosmonaut 1 11-19-2006 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Amos
At the current rate we're going... I'll surpass you in in 3 months
I'd say that sounds like you care.

Maverick0 11-19-2006 11:37 PM

Cosmo: Look at me! I'm Cosmo! Watch me wave my e-peen around!
Amos: Hey, I'm Amos, my e-peen is bigger than Cosmo's!
Cosmo: Nuh uh!
Amos: Yeah huh!

.... and so on and so forth. There, I saved us from having to read a long and drawn out thread about this again.

TheToastmaster 11-20-2006 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by Amos
Jesus Christ, This isn't worth my effort.

For a second it looked like you had it, then you kept going... Poor Amos, too successfully baited by Marco.

Neverhood 11-20-2006 12:49 PM

My E-pen0r R Teh Godly!!!

john.doe 11-20-2006 01:47 PM

. <- Marco's e-penis.


MrWong 11-20-2006 03:00 PM

Marco has a penis? I thought he was a girl :eek:

kid_ding 11-20-2006 04:29 PM


Duff 11-23-2006 12:35 PM

Im just scared about the fact that john knows about marco's penis :o

Amos 11-23-2006 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by Duff
Im just scared about the fact that john knows about marco's penis :o

You must be kidding!

I can safely say JD's hit on ALMOST every underage airsofter out there.

Cosmonaut 1 11-23-2006 11:20 PM

And that's probably as far as that should go...

john.doe 11-24-2006 09:52 AM


Don't make me call Gilzdor into this thread.

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