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Savage 07-21-2006 07:21 PM

1st gun?
was just wondering wat any of the experienced people think of this gun.

EDIT (no retailer links please):TM MP5 A4 HG

and if anyone has ever used it or seen in it person. i was at Xt last night and i really liked the mp5 and id really like to buy a gun like that. but i dunno some guidence would be nice

Valkxb70 07-21-2006 08:20 PM

Since you're under the legal age to purchase, you have 2 years to get LOTS of reviews about them...

And I've never used a TM MP5 of any varient.

Savage 07-21-2006 09:07 PM

yea im underage but i can get my parents to buy it for me?

Valkxb70 07-21-2006 09:09 PM

Yup, still illegal though...

Neverhood 07-21-2006 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by Savage
yea im underage but i can get my parents to buy it for me?

What's the point of getting a gun if nobody will let you onto their field? Just be patient and play at XT until you're 18.

Savage 07-21-2006 10:50 PM

why not buy a gun and play at Xt...but ur piont is valid :D

Iggy 07-22-2006 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by Savage
why not buy a gun and play at Xt...but ur piont is valid :D

Because if you screw up you will be blacklisted forever ^_^ just because you buy a gun for XT doesnt mean you wont have the urge to play with it outdoors...show it off to your little punk friends... that kinda thing. :D

Cosmonaut 1 07-22-2006 12:34 AM

How can I not be expected to troll this, do you know how hard it is for me to resist the urge?!?

TripWire 07-22-2006 04:43 AM

There's nothing wrong with giving your opinion or advice. Just don't be an ass about it. If you want to represent the community, do it properly. Not like those inbred mofos on ASC.

MrWongJr. 07-22-2006 05:19 AM

So that's their secret...

Damn. Didn't read that part of the FAQ... :D

Savage 07-23-2006 02:26 AM

the people on asc are fucking jerks lol

Zekk05 07-24-2006 04:48 AM

they can be at times. yes. Well, most of the time..
But theyve also had a thousand teens come on their site asking where they can buy guns, thinking that they are special and void of all the policies and rules in place. if you were asked the same question every day for a year, do you think your 365th response would be as kind and welcoming as the first?

Like everyone said, just wait till youre 18. Be thankful that Winnipeg has a place like XT where you can rent guns and get in the game at your age. Most cities dont have facilities like this.

Cosmonaut 1 07-24-2006 01:55 PM

well said Zekk, and as much as you may think you are different then those people who leap before they look, Savage, you aren't, and asking your question here, warrents the same response (although worded more pleasently) as on ASC.

MrWongJr. 07-24-2006 10:36 PM

Oh. TM MP5A4. Not bad of a gun.

I mean: By far probably not TM's best... But, decent for what it is. Easilly upgraded cosmetically. Easilly obtainable in full metal form. Not exactly the greatest for outdoors (I don't think anyone takes a stock TM MP5 outdoors) because of it's lackluster power and it's very short barrel, but for CQB it can excell. Of course there are ways of upgrading the gun to up the power and accuracy, but it may just be easier to get a larger rifle like the M15/M4/M16 series.

But I do have to say there are plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of reviews on that gun. Google is your friend. Use him well.

Savage 07-25-2006 03:20 AM

thanks guys your all amazing ;)

john.doe 07-29-2006 12:01 PM


Am I sensing a little hostility towards the people on ASC forums?

kid_ding 07-29-2006 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by MrWongJr.
Oh. TM MP5A4. Not bad of a gun.

I mean: By far probably not TM's best... But, decent for what it is. Easilly upgraded cosmetically. Easilly obtainable in full metal form. Not exactly the greatest for outdoors (I don't think anyone takes a stock TM MP5 outdoors) because of it's lackluster power and it's very short barrel, but for CQB it can excell. Of course there are ways of upgrading the gun to up the power and accuracy, but it may just be easier to get a larger rifle like the M15/M4/M16 series.

But I do have to say there are plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of reviews on that gun. Google is your friend. Use him well.

How do you know google is a him and not a her?

MrWongJr. 07-29-2006 03:05 PM

I dunno, never checked. Always seemed to be a masculin thing. Of course if you checked ding, I could be wrong.

quiggers 07-29-2006 06:06 PM

id like to say its androgynous

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:04 AM

So, let me get this straight...
I can not buy or own an AEG until I'm 18. True?
Out of curiosity, why can I own a CO2 Pellet gun and use a .22, but not own an AEG?

Secondly, if I have my own AEG and I come into XT (I'm under 18), you won't let me use it?

I'm just wondering, I'm new to the world of "real" airsoft.

Thanks for the help!


DRAVEN 08-08-2006 11:15 AM

why can I own a CO2 Pellet gun
you should not have one if your not 18 it is the same with airsoft YOU MUST BE 18 TO BUY ANY WEAPON!

so if your not 18 you should not have your own AEG, and no one should be selling you one!

Andrew 08-08-2006 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by AL C4PWN3D
So, let me get this straight...
I can not buy or own an AEG until I'm 18. True?
Out of curiosity, why can I own a CO2 Pellet gun

You can't, that is illegal too. You may possess and use one under the immediate supervision of someone that is 18+ but you cannot "own" a pellet gun. It is still classified as a firearm under the Criminal Code that is simply exempt from certain conditions such as storage, transport, registration, and usage. Age restrictions still apply.

and use a .22

Again, under adult supervision. If they are not physically there with you and able to take immediate control of the firearm, you are committing an indictable offense under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Secondly, if I have my own AEG and I come into XT (I'm under 18), you won't let me use it?

That depends. If you are under 18 you would need to be accompanied by a parent and have them sign off on the waiver. Note that XT isn't a daycare for older kids so parents aren't supposed to just drop off their kids thinking the staff will take care of them for an hour. If they are accompanying you it stands to reason that they are in possession of the AEG and you are being supervised in its use. I'm sure the paid staff will clarify that further (I'm part-time volunteer staff).

I'm just wondering, I'm new to the world of "real" airsoft.

The only stupid question is the one not answered. It's great to see someone new to the sport trying to gather information, it really puts you in a positive light and demonstrates your willingness to learn and be responsible. Keep it up!


Andrew 08-08-2006 11:22 AM

The only stupid question is the one not answered.

Whoops, meant to say the one not ASKED. Someone care to explain why the hell we can't edit our own posts?

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:30 AM

Alright thanks, that clears a lot up.

And yes, both uses are under adult supervision (.22 and CO2).

I am not a fool running around the city with any type of firearm, I was just wondering about use vs. ownership.

I guess my last few posts do sound like I do irresponsible things, but I assure you it's not the case.

The few times I have fired a .22 were under adult supervision and the CO2 weapon is only fired outside the city, once again under adult supervision.

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:32 AM

lol yeah, and if I would've been able to edit my own posts, my thoughts would likely be a bit clearer.

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:34 AM

Canadian Tire doesn't help as far as my understanding use of firearms vs. ownership of a firearm. They will let a kid do anything with a firearm except pay for it. Highly confusing. :S

Andrew 08-08-2006 11:38 AM

In the decade-plus that I've used the internet, I've come to the realization that it is a very poor medium for dialogue in the communication of emotion, opinion, and personality. It's a great tool for information exchange and research, but so often on forums do things come out the way they were not intended. You have no body language, no facial expressions (and smileys are a poor substitute) to go by, all you have is pure text by which to form your own opinions and emotions. Then people jump to conclusions and make judgements that are often incorrect which leads to tension and animosity, whereas if they'd discussed the same thing face to face the outcome would've been a lot more pleasant. I know from experience.

The fact we cannot edit posts here only exacerbates the situation. Remember that once it's on the internet, it's sacred nevermore.

john.doe 08-08-2006 11:45 AM

ROFLMAO Draven, that img in your sig is hillarious. Can't believe I just noticed it now.

AL C4PWN3D 08-08-2006 11:49 AM

Exactly, I'm glad you know how I feel. Meanwhile, I'll keep learning about this sport and try to get into your facility ASAP.

Thanks Andrew,

Iggy 08-09-2006 05:49 PM

Just make sure you read up about the rules of importing/exporting airsoft... and the rules of playing. By the time you are old enough to buy a guy you SHOULD know what you are doing.

Amos 09-03-2006 10:50 PM

As for being underaged and bringing your own gun to XT... I do beleive it's fine.. I've done it before...

The only thing is -- You have to have it in a case, and the case must be locked... (Or so I was able to bring my gun under those conditions)

Cosmonaut 1 09-03-2006 11:22 PM

Hey buds, make sure you check the date before you post. There hasn't been any activity in this thread for almost a month...until now of course.

Kibblez and Bitz 03-28-2007 11:04 PM

This is an old post but I hope that if anyone reads it again that they could help out. You guys should all come to Winkler! All you have to do is ask a farmer if you can play and you have acres and acres of forested land to play on! Plus as long as you're out of the public's view, the RCMP will let you play!!!!!

Neverhood 03-29-2007 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by Kibblez and Bitz
This is an old post but I hope that if anyone reads it again that they could help out. You guys should all come to Winkler! All you have to do is ask a farmer if you can play and you have acres and acres of forested land to play on! Plus as long as you're out of the public's view, the RCMP will let you play!!!!!

You should head over to www.mb-airsoft.com because we already have rules and fields inplace that are available to us. Hope to see you over there.

Kibblez and Bitz 03-29-2007 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by Neverhood
You should head over to www.mb-airsoft.com because we already have rules and fields inplace that are available to us. Hope to see you over there.

Thanks for that :D But I can't play with you guys on those cuz im only 15 :(
Normally I play on my friend's ranch in the Pembina Hills, but I think they're moving soon:( I was hoping some of you guys might be willing to have an outdoor game with some minors one of these days. Although you guys knowing where Winkler is would be like asking an American where Winnipeg is :p Either way, even though you guys are really strict on the underage thing (and rightly so) I'm hoping i can get some games with some real pros before I'm old enough to embarass myself at XT lol.

Iggy 03-29-2007 07:36 PM

Highly doubt that. The 18+ rule for outdoor games is set for a reason. It keeps the land owner safe from people suing and keeps the kids safe by not being exposed to awesomeness (har har.. lil joke there). The only way, that i can think of, for you to play is if the owner of the place says its alright...highly doubtful tho. Embarrass yourself at XT? How would you do that. Everyone makes fools of themselves, some more than others, Jyce, its all in good fun though. I dont think Ive played a single game at XT where it was super serious.

DRAVEN 03-30-2007 08:55 AM

your best be tit to turn 16 and play at xt till your 18 and ten come outdoors with the big boys with big toys, i myself would not feel right about pulling the trigger of my 470 fps sniper rifle on a 15 year old. Hell i have the same problem pulling the trigger on the few ladys we get out from time to time. (but i still do lol )

p.phresh 03-30-2007 11:48 AM

hahah... he said be tit.

Kibblez and Bitz 03-30-2007 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by DRAVEN
your best be tit to turn 16 and play at xt till your 18 and ten come outdoors with the big boys with big toys, i myself would not feel right about pulling the trigger of my 470 fps sniper rifle on a 15 year old. Hell i have the same problem pulling the trigger on the few ladys we get out from time to time. (but i still do lol )

In our games we shoot ourselves with our guns point-blank so we know what we're getting everyone into, should have seen my friends face with his 425 fps sniper :D But I guess It's different when you play with people you don't know, that would actually sue :eek: Out here we all lknow eachother and no one would sue, they wouldn't have a reason to. Another thing, we have fields to play on out here, as long as we're out of sight with black guns the cops leave us alone, some of them actually asked to join in one time.

Iggy 03-31-2007 01:39 AM

Nobody will sue? How can you be 100% positive of that. What if one day one of your buddies is playing and he ends up slipping and breaking his back...leaving him paralized...would you not sue the owner of the land, I bet your parents would. Frankly you guys dont have legal permission to play on these fields and that just screams "sue me." I know most of the guys out here that I play with but that wouldnt stop my parents from going crazy if I should sustain serious injuries.

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