Xtreme Tactics Forum

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Ranz 10-18-2011 10:55 AM

General Discussions, Questions and Comments
Here's where you guys can post any general questions and comments or bring up any concerns you have about the league.

The league can get pretty competitive so please keep the trash talk to a minimum. (NOTE: Trash talk is still okay, as long as it is in a joking manner)

Any major issues should be brought to me or Gord though a PM or in person at XT.

Ross 11-01-2011 09:09 PM

How will the points be awarded? Will it be the same as last winter? I recall there were some issues raised about it. I remember getting a lot of negative scores. Meaning our team would have been higher in the roster if we had not even showed up to play. I also remember that the teams that did very well, mentioned that if the kill count got high enough, the objectives didn't matter and lost all meaning. What do others think about this?

Ranz 11-02-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Points
Team rankings will be determined by wins and loses. Scenario points will only help determine the winner of each scenario and will be used only for tie breakers and kept for individual player stats.

There will be no more negatives this year. Player death points will now be worth the same as player kill points, so they will cancel each other out. Points earned through the scenario will now be the main focus of points collection, not points earned through kills.

Ross 12-02-2011 08:53 PM

this is wonderful, thanks.

Ross 02-06-2012 05:54 PM

Sorry for double post. Can I use a thunder b grenade in a league game?

Ranz 02-06-2012 06:58 PM

Yes, Thunder B grenades are allowed because they are airsoft made products. We just don't want homemade pyro used in the games because of fires that have started up in past league games.

You can use grenades during any scenario as long as BOTH teams have the same amount of grenades to use.

Originally Posted by Ross
Sorry for double post. Can I use a thunder b grenade in a league game?

Ross 02-06-2012 07:34 PM

Great. I was thinking of having 2 grenades and lending one to the other team. Can these grenades be filled with our own bbs?

Ranz 02-06-2012 08:03 PM

We would prefer to fill the grenades ourselves, just in case heavier BBs or some other type of debris end up in the grenades and can end up hurting other players.

Not that we don't trust you guys but we have to cover all our bases and make sure everything is regulated and safe

Originally Posted by Ross
Great. I was thinking of having 2 grenades and lending one to the other team. Can these grenades be filled with our own bbs?

Ranz 02-15-2012 03:26 PM

New Scenario
New scenario in the CQB Scenario section.

Ranz 03-09-2012 07:39 AM

Kill Confirmed UPDATE!
Just updated the rules for Kill Confirmed.

Each player is now allowed to hold 6 empty shells. That will allow a 4 player team to possess all the empty shells in the arena.

If a team happens to be playing with only 3 players, each player will be allowed to hold 8 shells but the round will start with the absent 4th player's shells, randomly scattered in the arena. So MAKE SURE YOUR WHOLE TEAM IS PRESENT!!!

Also, I've decided to raise the scenario points to 50 points per round, seeing as it is the last regular season game and this will be a high kill count game.

A note to all teams, the key to this scenario is to stay close and communicate well. Players who decide to run out on their own will end up losing magazine shells for their team.

One more thing... to all players, you need to remember to drop a magazine before returning to respawn. We will have referees watching to see if you drop a shell magazine, if you do not drop a shell magazine, there will be a referee at respawn to confirm that you are not hiding any.

Ranz 03-09-2012 10:19 AM

Another reminder for Kill Confirmed
Just remember guys, adjust your gear accordingly to accommodate the extra mag shells. Extra mag pouches, cargo pants, or drop pouches are going to be your best bet. Don't forget to gear up for Sunday.

Ranz 03-10-2012 03:38 PM

Daylight Savings Time!!!
Remember to turn your clocks one hour ahead tonight at 2:00AM and don't be late for your games on Sunday.

Ranz 03-13-2012 10:20 AM

Semi-final Scenarios
As in previous league finals, the semi-final scenario will be announced and briefed to all teams right before their games on Sunday. This is how the finals have been run in the past, so if you have any objections please fire me a PM, but remember, all teams are expected to adapt and formulate a plan in limited time, regardless of league officials changing various factors of the scenario on the fly. As I told teams on Sunday, each player is paying to play in this league and we try and provide a higher level of game play and challenge than your usual deathmatch.

We have supplied you with the weekly scenarios to help your teams plan ahead. By now, all teams should have developed a team dynamic that will allow them to deal with any scenario we throw at them, regardless of how much time you have to prepare.

Semi-final scenarios will incorporate various elements from different scenarios and will test both the co-operation and communication of all teams. This year we will be introducing various perks and bonus for teams that work well together as a team and successfully communicate and implement their plans. The break down of bonus points will be posted later this week.

Good luck to all teams!

Ross 03-13-2012 09:36 PM

It's like your expecting a mob of angry players to storm xt because they don't know the scenario. Relax man, league is fun!

Ranz 03-14-2012 05:54 AM

Haha I know. As long as you guys are having fun, then it doesn't matter to me but we're always getting complaints and I have to address them regardless.

Ranz 03-27-2012 09:23 AM

UPDATE to Perks and Bonuses!
UPDATE to Perks and Bonuses!

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