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Gibson19 11-02-2005 03:38 PM

What type of Gun should I get??
Well i am looking for a gun that is first off under or around 100 dollars, i would prefer it to have fully auto shooting and semi auto, and i would also like for it to look like a nice milatary gun (not clear).


Iggy 11-02-2005 03:45 PM

i dont know of any gun thats 100 bucks.... and if they have them they are probably bad. what kind of gun were you looking for? AEG/GBB?

Gibson19 11-02-2005 03:47 PM

I am looking for an AEG and I'm not really looking into buying a 300$ gun just because i cant really afford it. But any suggestions would be very helpful.

combs 11-02-2005 03:59 PM

I've found the best activity if you're interested in getting into airsoft or buying is to read Airsoft Canada Forums, specifically FAQ's (like here..., or to read the newbie guide posted right here in the forum.
Or if you're specifically looking for entry prices etc, use a price guide

lots of info out there. just giving you the tip of the iceberg.
hope that helps.

Gibson19 11-02-2005 04:07 PM

Thanks a lot that helped me much lots

Iggy 11-02-2005 04:42 PM

yeah you deffinetly wont find an AEG for 100 bucks....except the BOYS M4A1....which sucks :o

Gibson19 11-02-2005 06:09 PM

Well then maybe i just cant play airsoft

gypsy 11-02-2005 06:11 PM

If all you have is $100, you're clearly not ready for airsoft. To be competitive and self-sufficient, you need to spend at least $400-500, probably more. At the absolute bare minimum, you need:

Goggles - $40 and up
Gun - $200 minimum for a used pistol, $350 minimum for a used AEG
Battery and/or Propane Adaptor - $40-$60 each
Battery Charger - $70 and up
BB's - $25

That just gets you into the game, and you're going to get "pwned", as the kids nowadays say it, buy those of us who have multiple highly-upgraded guns worth $2000+.....

My personal collection is 6 AEG's....total value about $4500. I've got about $2500 in other assorted gear (BDU's, mags, batteries, radios, backpacks, boots, vests and load bearing gear, etc.)

This may sound odd, but how old are you, and what do you do for a living?

Gibson19 11-02-2005 06:38 PM

Well the thing is im not like hard core into this i just want a gun so i can play some backyard games with my friends, although i wouldnt mind playing at XT once or twice with some friends. I am 15 and i go to school for a living (please dont be stupid because im young though) but i found a gun on this site it looks pretty good but i dont no http://http://www.airsplat.com/Item...NE688BH&eq=&Tp=

gypsy 11-02-2005 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by Gibson19
Well the thing is im not like hard core into this i just want a gun so i can play some backyard games with my friends, although i wouldnt mind playing at XT once or twice with some friends. I am 15 and i go to school for a living (please dont be stupid because im young though) but i found a gun on this site it looks pretty good but i dont no http://http://www.airsplat.com/Item...NE688BH&eq=&Tp=

See, now there's the problem. Let me sort some things out for you:

1) You will have a real tough time finding someone to sell you an airsoft gun, since you are a minor. Most reputable places will only sell to people 18+.

2) Playing in your backyard is dumb. It will get you shot by the police. Think I'm kidding? Guess again....at 15 feet a police officer can't tell if these guns are real or fake. Due to the recent spree of gang shootings in the city, they will tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

3) It is illegal to import airsoft guns into Canada without some very specific permits. Those permits cost about $8000, and you have to be working in the movie industry to apply for them. I know this because I worked part-time in the movie industry.

4) If you do try and "sneak something by" Customs Canada, you will be caught. Getting caught means they sieze your brand new gun and destroy it. Getting caught also means you go are branded as a security threat and your name goes on a watchlist and EVERYTHING that is addressed to you from outside the country will be opened and inspected. Any time you cross the border, you are going to be harrassed by Customs agents because the database will list you as a known smuggler and security threat. I know this because my father is the former head (retired) of T2 Compliance Division at Canada Customs and Revenue.

Airsoft is not going anywhere. Come back in 2 or 3 years when you have a steady part-time job and can afford to get some decent gear. In the meantime, play paintball, a hobby that welcomes players under 18.

Jyce 11-03-2005 06:50 AM

Just remember, airsoft is expensive like anysport, but if you compare it to a sport like hockey, or foot ball, it seems reasonable,

For airsoft you spend around 500-600 for a new gun and accessories(im talking about a hald decent GBB pistol) then maybe another 50-150 on tactical slings/clothing, which comes out to about 550-750$ a year,
were as foot ball and hockey, if you want half decent equipment, it will cost somewere between 500-700$ a year for equipment also.

and also, the main reason why airsofter's buy their own gun's/equipment is so they know it's their gun, all the quirks, and if they can rely on it. the secondary reason is It saves you Money at XT if you go in and rent a gun it will cost you around 30-40 dollars(depending if you have an upgraded gun) if you have your own gun, BAYUM 18$, and if your a XT member, you get 15% off of that price!

there are many reasons to buy your own airsoft equipment if you enjoy airsoft, it's not just because you are "hardcore" into the sport.

I hope this helped :D

kid_ding 11-03-2005 04:00 PM

The lowest price you will get for anything that shoots semi and or full, pistol or rifle, would be around the 300 mark. Don't let that disourage you from giving airsoft a chance though. Wait till you're 16, have a parent/guardian come down with you to sign a waiver form and play a game. Do some research and if you have any other questions, we'll be happy to answer them for you.

Gibson19 11-03-2005 07:58 PM

Well, i have bought airsoft guns before because i just get my friend to buy them for me but i want a better gun and playing in the backyard will not get me shot by police because i live in the country.

gypsy 11-03-2005 09:31 PM

Come again? If you already buy airsoft guns, why are you asking US what kinds of guns YOU should buy? Buy whatever you want....

Valkxb70 11-04-2005 05:30 AM

I'm sitting here shaking my head right now. To review the facts:

15 years of age
wanting an AEG that is not clear for under $100
has bought airsoft guns before
wants to play in the backyard

I would like to post an ASC quality flame here, but out of respect for the XT guys I will keep it to myself. I'm done with this thread...

Jyce 11-04-2005 06:39 AM

Originally Posted by Valkxb70
I'm sitting here shaking my head right now. To review the facts:

15 years of age
wanting an AEG that is not clear for under $100
has bought airsoft guns before
wants to play in the backyard

I would like to post an ASC quality flame here, but out of respect for the XT guys I will keep it to myself. I'm done with this thread...

Hmmm.. indeed.....

TheToastmaster 11-04-2005 08:34 AM

If ASC is good for anything (other than the B&S :D) it serves as a good example of what a board can become if people don't think before they flame.
On the other hand, this boards seemed really overdue for something like this post, what with all of the people who walk into XT.
ASC has clouded my judgment of what exactly can be done with regards to posts like this, other than flame them to pieces...
Gibson, the bottom line is that airsoft -and I mean really airsoft, not shooting your friends in the back yard- costs a lot of money to get into. To be totally honest, the last thing the sport needs is more underage players getting into it with the clear stuff and doing things that are not unlikely to get themselves in trouble. On the other hand, if you really do want to get into the sport, you'd seriously be best to bide your time, come out to XT when you're old enough (we've got at least a few members here who've waited to turn 16 to play) and then go from there. In that time you should be easily able to save up enough money however gradually to buy whatever gun your heart desires and show the community that you're mature and responsible (something that I've learned is NEVER overlooked in this sport with regards to new and especially young players) at the same time.
On the other hand, you can ignore what everyone is saying and essentially blacklist yourself from future games (I say this because it's happened many times before) and fall into the long line of players who've posted threads almost identical to yours over the years.

Gibson19 11-04-2005 04:21 PM

Well i appriciate your guy's politness it not flaming me, and im pretty sure im gona get into airsoft more over the years but for now i guess ill just free run.

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