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ak_boy 05-20-2007 10:31 PM

what is a good gun?
i'm just wondering here what is considered as a good gun, cause i have an AK and i haven't been in a war yet. it shoots 240fps and like 500-600 round a minute. i would like to know ahead of time if this gun is up to par and if i'm going to get owned like the noob i am, lol

Rommel 05-20-2007 11:39 PM

XT's guns shoot anywhere between 280-300 fps, which would make it around 650-700 rds per min.

Which means pretty much u r goin to get owned PERIOD

ThunderCactus 05-21-2007 12:06 AM

my UMG shot anywhere from 160-220 fps and i wasnt doing any worse than i was with my HK11 shooting 330 fps. Heck, i was using my friends MP7 that had a range of 10 feet and i STILL got 2 kills lol
your gun could shoot 160fps, thats all you really need at XT unless your in the back room in which 240 is just fine to get BBs all the way across. It also helps that they use .20g BBs, less weight means more speed, and theres no wind to affect the trajectory.
GROUPING is what you should be worried about, but you say your a noob so you'll likely be on full auto most of the time, you wont need to aim :)
I'd say the gun is just fine for XT.
someone else having an advantage of 40fps just means if you shoot at the same time their BBs will hit you a split second before you hit them, and if you aimed right you'll both be hit anyway lol

ak_boy 05-21-2007 10:07 AM

i appreciate the help on what's good for XT, an i guess that half of the game is the skill of the player, the gun could only help a bit, i guess i'l have to sharpen up on my aim while laying down, and also running, ithink it'll help me for when i'm at XT, or anywhere else for that matter, on the home page it mentioned upgrades. how much would those cost and how much better will it make my gun?

ThunderCactus 05-21-2007 12:05 PM

for indoors???? HAHAHAHAHA

MrWong 05-21-2007 01:53 PM

You don't need a gun to get kills at XT. You just need to be really sneaky. I know I've managed to get kills when all of my guns have failed on me just with my bare hands. You can also ask the staff, the vast majority of my kills in the arena come from a 160 FPS springer pistol. I think you'll be just fine with that gun.
The upgrade packages that are mentioned on the site are just that. They are basically the usual M-15/MP5 package with some additions such as RDS' and tac lights. If you're referring to upgrading your own gun that would depend entirely on the gun itself. Not every gun can be upgraded reliably. XT sells upgrade parts that may make it possible to upgrade your gun and they used to offer upgrade service but I believe that they no longer offer that.
If you're serious about upgrading your gun you should first find out the brand and the exact model of the gun. Do your research and determine if it's really worth it. As TC said for indoors you probably won't need it.

ak_boy 05-21-2007 02:58 PM

that's good to know, i'll keep the gun on a sling so if it fails i have 2 hand pistols, 1 is CO2 at 350 fps, and the other is semi/full auto at 200 fps, and i guess those will do, cause a lot of it is CQB.

so what the bottom line? my AK is alright for XT play?

ThunderCactus 05-21-2007 09:03 PM

yes, and its not CQB, its a maze. the only remotely CQB part of XT is the back room.
I remember one game i managed to bare hand kill 3 goat team guys lol
nobody expects to die from a guy without a gun ;)

Amos 05-21-2007 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
yes, and its not CQB, its a maze. the only remotely CQB part of XT is the back room.
I remember one game i managed to bare hand kill 3 goat team guys lol
nobody expects to die from a guy without a gun ;)

You were walking around like you were hit!

Aand.. Lol according to Gord and his rules, You can't mercy people unless you've got Ammo in your gun!

Iggy 05-21-2007 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by ak_boy
that's good to know, i'll keep the gun on a sling so if it fails i have 2 hand pistols, 1 is CO2 at 350 fps, and the other is semi/full auto at 200 fps, and i guess those will do, cause a lot of it is CQB.

so what the bottom line? my AK is alright for XT play?

I dont think you will be able to use CO2 powered guns. Well maybe...what kind is it... the one that you get at SIR/CANADIAN TIRE/WALMART? if so then no you cant. The only person I know who I THINK used a co2 gun was andrew... I could be wrong tho.

ThunderCactus 05-22-2007 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Amos
You were walking around like you were hit!

Aand.. Lol according to Gord and his rules, You can't mercy people unless you've got Ammo in your gun!

i was walking tactically behind someone who was hit :p
and there was still 1 BB chambered in my gun, i just happened to not have my gun on me lol

ak_boy 05-22-2007 07:00 PM

ya i got it at SIR, and why wouldn't i be able to use it, it's clear

ak_boy 05-22-2007 07:02 PM

and why wouldn't you have your gun on you? what did you do not to have a gun on you?

ThunderCactus 05-22-2007 07:54 PM

the mags were empty, the gun was not, and i dont believe in slings

MrWong 05-22-2007 08:17 PM

Since most CO2 airsoft/softair guns (as opposed to pellet guns and similar) have some kind of regulator in them they actually tend to be more consistent FPS wise from shot to shot when compared to propane/HFC134A GBB's. That being said as long as the gun shoots under the FPS limit (350 FPS w/0.20g BB) and it will fire the field ammo that XT uses (6mm) then it should be allowed.
The officials at XT do have the final say so it is best to consult them ahead of time to make sure.

Vortex 05-23-2007 03:56 AM

Originally Posted by ak_boy
i'm just wondering here what is considered as a good gun, cause i have an AK and i haven't been in a war yet. it shoots 240fps and like 500-600 round a minute. i would like to know ahead of time if this gun is up to par and if i'm going to get owned like the noob i am, lol

umm good gun lets see. Well there is not really anygood gun out there if you like it well its good if you dont well its crap. Dont ask us wat a good gun is because its up to you to find a good gun. we can help you a lil bit reaserch would be your best friend in this case to find a good gun.

If you want a gun that can go through 500-600 rnds go for a SAW or LMG.
If you cant hit anything with those 500-600 rnds well theres something really wrong with you then.

its not a war its games war is using real guns and shooting ppl to kill them.
If your gun is only shooting 240 fps then ya i will laugh at you HAHAHA.

it doesnt matter if you have 500-1000 dollars in ur gun your still gonna get owned like a noob. LOL.

If you dont wanna get owned heres a few tips
-Dont stick your head out
-Learn how to aim
-Dont yell and scream
-Listen to the Vets that are playing on your side they will give you some good advice on the field
and thats it.


ThunderCactus 05-23-2007 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Vortex
If you want a gun that can go through 500-600 rnds go for a SAW or LMG.
If you cant hit anything with those 500-600 rnds well theres something really wrong with you then.

i think he was referring to the rate of fire, not the amount of ammo it will go through before it breaks.

Originally Posted by Vortex
its not a war its games war is using real guns and shooting ppl to kill them.
If your gun is only shooting 240 fps then ya i will laugh at you HAHAHA.

you've never played at xtreme tactics so I won't mock you for that statement, but honest and true 160fps is ALL you need at XT's indoor arena. I would know, my G&G UMG shot 160-220fps when i first got it and it kicked *ss regardless.

ak_boy 05-23-2007 05:59 PM

well i love my gun and i won't think other wise about it, i get along with it and it treats me well, fulls auto kicks ass, and the aim in semi auto is well too,the only way i'll get better is by experiance, and not by sitting on my *ss all day.

and 1 last thing, someone had mentioned that you have to be 16 to get in, is there any way that i can get in at all(i'm 15)

Iggy 05-23-2007 10:30 PM

plain and simple...NO...

DRAVEN 05-24-2007 06:24 PM

i would like to know ahead of time if this gun is up to par and if i'm going to get owned like the noob i am

yes yes you will

Rommel 05-30-2007 10:42 PM

I would have to agree with DRAVEN

Tripcee 06-02-2007 01:58 PM

i find the best gun is one that WORKS and one that you like. aside from that theyre pretty much all the same :)

Rommel 06-02-2007 10:17 PM

thats is ur preference, cuz that is what it comes down to

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