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-   -   If you can find a replica of this gun i will love you, (http://xtreme-tactics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139)

Jyce 06-23-2005 08:29 AM

If you can find a replica of this gun i will love you,
I was looking around and there is one gun i really want to find but cant,
a Browning Assualt Rifle also known as a BAR, a famous WW2 light machine gun.

if any of you could point this out to me i would love you ;)

g00mba 06-23-2005 09:51 AM

That weapon is amazing. But I would think twice before getting one. I'm pretty sure it is a looooong gun. LOL, the way XT sounds and if that is what you plan on doing (CQB) might not be the best choice. But then again this is all coming from an Uber n00b. :D

Valkxb70 06-23-2005 10:17 AM

I have not seen a BAR, but I think there is more WW2 era stuff coming out.

MrWong 06-23-2005 03:42 PM

JAC used to (maybe still do) make an airsoft BAR but it's a 'classic' airsoft with the external gas tank so good luck finding one. The MSRP was ~ $1500 USD (can you say ouch) anyways.

Jyce 06-23-2005 04:43 PM

ok, hey are M60's alloud to be used in XT?

204HOE 06-23-2005 04:55 PM

im not too sure about that but remember at XT theres lots of tight corners there.

MrWongJr. 06-23-2005 05:53 PM

Not to mention, lugging around a rifle that weighs something like 18 pounds, plus bipod plus magazines.. That'd get MIGHTY tiring..

I remember there was one that somone custom built out of a deactivated BAR, used TM shotgun shells. I can't seem to find the image, but it's probably out there.

But yeah. I think you've got a better chance of getting a Shoei MG42, or Asahi M21.

gypsy 06-23-2005 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by MrWong
JAC used to (maybe still do) make an airsoft BAR but it's a 'classic' airsoft with the external gas tank so good luck finding one. The MSRP was ~ $1500 USD (can you say ouch) anyways.

JAC is looooong out of business.

If you can find one for $1500 US grab it....they normally go for about twice that. Incidentally, the BAR is solid steel and wood. Oh, and extra mags go for like $100 US apeice, shipped from Japan. Then you need to get a regulator and remote setup....that's another $500 or so.

So if you won the lottery or something, I say go for it.

Jyce 06-23-2005 07:42 PM

hmm, what would be a unique gun then? i was really hopin for the bar but maybe i might go for p90 or m60..

GermanInfantry 06-23-2005 09:58 PM

i would liek an mg 42 that would be so nice to have. or an MP 43, MP 40, or just a kr 98 would be nice, anways see u all at XT sometime.

Jmacs 06-24-2005 10:23 AM

and by the way aren't you under aged as well o_O

p.phresh 06-24-2005 01:37 PM

we played a game at xt with an m60 once... it was a crazy game, the guy who was carrying it just shot from the hip and was pretty much just using it as supressing fore, while the rest of the squad moved up.

kid_ding 06-24-2005 03:27 PM

That was a fun game. I don't suggest you play with it all the time, it's massive and you won't be moving around very much. But if you do get one, I'll play with you so I'll have cover fire.

GermanInfantry 06-25-2005 07:43 PM

and no i am not under age.

gypsy 06-25-2005 10:23 PM

The problem with "unique" guns are many. Unique guns often suffer from a shortage of aftermarket parts and accessories. Sometimes finding replacement parts can be hard (re: FAMAS, UZI, P90, SIG series). Borrowing extra mags will always be tough. Sometimes finding gear to hold extra mags is tough too....AK, P90, G3 and G36 mags all have a hard time fitting into generic, non-gun-specific mag pouches. Many times they use odd-sized batteries, meaning if yours runs out you can't simply borrow on from a buddy.

If you're looking for a truly unique gun, I can offer some suggestions:

1) AK-47S
2) G36C
3) SIG 552
4) MC51

There aren't a lot of these guns around, they're all pretty well built, they are all reasonably easy to find replacement parts for.

The negative is they all use odd-sized mags, and each has it's own quirks and weak points.

Shutter 06-25-2005 10:50 PM

As far as unique guns go, I'd kill for a 20's style tommy gun. With the circle drums. I'd pick that up in a second, no questions.

TheToastmaster 06-26-2005 02:02 AM

You could get a Thompson and modify your own drum mags. That wouldn't be too hard.
Last time I was as XT we were talking about that.
One way is to build a cover onto an existing mag. The other major one was a bit harder but more worth while, to build something onto some other gun's High Cap mag and modify it to fit, so you'd have the look and the capacity.

Jyce 06-26-2005 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by gypsy
The problem with "unique" guns are many. Unique guns often suffer from a shortage of aftermarket parts and accessories. Sometimes finding replacement parts can be hard (re: FAMAS, UZI, P90, SIG series). Borrowing extra mags will always be tough. Sometimes finding gear to hold extra mags is tough too....AK, P90, G3 and G36 mags all have a hard time fitting into generic, non-gun-specific mag pouches. Many times they use odd-sized batteries, meaning if yours runs out you can't simply borrow on from a buddy.

If you're looking for a truly unique gun, I can offer some suggestions:

1) AK-47S
2) G36C
3) SIG 552
4) MC51

There aren't a lot of these guns around, they're all pretty well built, they are all reasonably easy to find replacement parts for.

The negative is they all use odd-sized mags, and each has it's own quirks and weak points.

thank you for your interesting post,
what you said is true, i've been looking around and there isnt much extra parts for the p90 around, and i've heard bad things about the mags for the p90. The only one of those guns that you've said however would be the G36C, I however would personally love to have the p90 just because of the mobility and handling of it.

the G36C however interests me because i have to admit, it is a beutiful gun. and im pretty sure it would have a longer range and more capacity in it's mags, the only thing i would like is if it didnt have the railing handle thingy after the mag. i was shown one at XT and i loved everything about it, except that hand railing.

EDIT: also ive heard about the p90's reliabilty and accuracy are quite high stuff.

Jmacs 06-26-2005 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by GermanInfantry
and no i am not under age.

I was talking about Jyce, sorry about the misunderstanding :P

p.phresh 06-26-2005 12:00 PM

the bottom rail can be removed from the foregrip by removing the screws.

gypsy 06-26-2005 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Jyce
EDIT: also ive heard about the p90's reliabilty and accuracy are quite high stuff.

They are. I have one, along with the MC51 and an AK47, plus an M4T and a MP5K PDW ;)

Peterthinks 07-04-2005 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Jyce
I was looking around and there is one gun i really want to find but cant,
a Browning Assualt Rifle also known as a BAR, a famous WW2 light machine gun.

if any of you could point this out to me i would love you ;)


Here you go. :cool:
But good luck trying to get it into Canada.
You'll have to bounce it thru the States.
Have it shipped it to a buddy in the U.S. who ships it to you in pieces as "Upgrade parts" for your toy gun.

Valkxb70 07-04-2005 02:24 PM

Some parts may make it across the US border, however the barrel and reciever most likely will get seized.

Jyce 07-05-2005 11:17 AM

yeah, i've made up my mind, im stickin with teh p90 :D

also i was wondering, would any of you be able to ship it for me if i get the money, apparantly its really difficult to get these into canada..

Valkxb70 07-05-2005 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by Jyce
yeah, i've made up my mind, im stickin with teh p90 :D

also i was wondering, would any of you be able to ship it for me if i get the money, apparantly its really difficult to get these into canada..

What are you talking about? There are a number of retailers in Canada already.

Refer to this thread for locations: Previous thread about where to buy airsoft weaponry

gypsy 07-05-2005 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by Peterthinks

Here you go. :cool:
But good luck trying to get it into Canada.
You'll have to bounce it thru the States.
Have it shipped it to a buddy in the U.S. who ships it to you in pieces as "Upgrade parts" for your toy gun.

Peter should stop and think before offering advice on things he doesn't know much about.

For starters, only an asshat would order from there. That company is owned and operated by Miki Nakamura. Miki Nakamura runs the Renegade Recon website. He also owns Tokyo Hobby....the company behind the Props Canada fiasco, which bilked Canadian Airsofter (including myself) out of close to $60,000 worth of guns and gear a couple of years back. Send your money there and kiss it goodbye.

Additionally, condoning the breaking of the law by disassembling it into parts isn't too bright. You realize people from both Customs Canada and the local law enforcement agencies read this discussion board, right? How do I know? Because I used to work for Canada Customs and Revenue, and because I personally know the head of Winnipeg's ERT,as I introduced him to airsoft as a training tool. They read this website regularly, along with most other airsoft and paintball related websites in Canada. It's how they catch people doing stupid things, like shooting up cars and doing drive-bys and such, because they brag about their stupidity on the internet ;).

When you try and ship a metal body/pistol frame/reciever across the border, it's going to get found 99% of the time. Customs will seize it as a Prohibited Device (a replica weapon - see the Canadian Criminal Code and Canadian Firearms Code if you want a definition), and you probably will not be able to find a replacement part from such a rare gun without buying another whole gun.

In addition, when you're caught smuggling something into/out of the country, your name goes on a national watchlist database and they open your mail EVERY TIME something is shipped to you from out-of-country. Furthermore, you're likely going to have your car torn apart every time you cross the border from the US trying to get back into Canada. Hell, because Customs Canada and the INS/Border Patrol/Dept. of Homeland Security in the US work so closely together, they might even fuck you going INTO the States, to make sure you're not smuggling from Canada into the US.

How do I know this? My father retired as head of T2 Compliance at Canada Customs 2 years ago...he designed the security measures and put it in place for all of Western Canada.

If you really want it, contact a Canadian-based dealer and have it imported legally, using the proper permits and channels. It'll cost more, but you'll get your stuff and avoid a lifetime of hassle for being a suspected smuggler. And since you've paid someone in Canada, if they get fucked by someone overseas, it's their problem, not yours - at least you can get your money back.

Jmacs 07-06-2005 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Jyce
yeah, i've made up my mind, im stickin with teh p90 :D

also i was wondering, would any of you be able to ship it for me if i get the money, apparantly its really difficult to get these into canada..

yes there are many retailers already that carry and have P90's all you have to do is look in their "INSTOCK" section if they do not have it in stock then order it. It will take a little longer but eventually you will get your airsoft gun. 007airsoft.com is very trust worthy. If you don't like that stuff then you'll have to go to the ASC forums and ask there but, you cannot buy airsoft there unless if you are 18.

I know the feeling of wanting a airsoftgun even though you are underaged. You should talk to both your parents about this and possibly work something out. im sure if you got a airsoft gun and you wanted alot of more people to trust you with it and not do stupid things then you can leave it at xt with gord and the xt staff so that they know that you didnt do anything stupid with it. Plus you gain more trust from the people inside of XT's facility. But if your parents feel responsible enough then maybe they'll buy the gun for you.

good luck dood.

Ninja 07-06-2005 04:46 PM

M60 at xt... It almost seems like it shouldn't be. But take it from the guy that did it. It rules. Sure there are tight corners and all that junk, but who cares when you've got a thousand bb's to just fire off like mad. I'm scrawny as hell. and it was no problem for me carrying it around for a game. I think we played for more than 45 minutes aswell. It was mayhem, it was the best game I've ever played.

So shut up, and get a m60 to play at XT, you'd just have to buy your own BB's. LOL

Peterthinks 07-10-2005 02:06 PM

Yeah I'm a noob....no denying it.
Just trying to point out where stuff can be found,I can't vouch for them and I don't know how you'd get it to Canada....I also don't know if you'd get ripped off or not.
As for customs and the border I don't have much use for them.I've never done anything wrong but they open most of my stuff anyway.It's just another mindless headless stumbling branch of the government delaying my perfectly legal packages.
As for replica weapons if they're so restricted how come I can go out and buy one for cash and not even show I.D.?

The world is a silly place.

gypsy 07-10-2005 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by Peterthinks
As for replica weapons if they're so restricted how come I can go out and buy one for cash and not even show I.D.?

Legal to possess for anyone over 18, illegal to import (without appropriate permits, which is a whole other issue for another thread). The importation is the big issue, because that's what Customs worries about. They go by the guidelines outlined by the Canadian Firearms Centre. The CFC defines any object that is a near replica of firearm but that does not discharge a projectile to be a Replica Firearm (which itself is deemed a Prohibited Device under the Canadian Criminal Code). The CFC regulation actually mentions airsoft guns made by Tokyo Marui by name.

Once the guns are actually IN the country, however, you can buy and sell them to anyone over 18 (because, as an airgun, they cannot be sold to or possessed by a minor). Some less-than-scrupulous retailers will sell to minors, no question, but they are rare and, more often than not, deal mostly with cheap, low-quality spring guns. Many respectable retailers will ask for ID, like a scan of your driver's license, to buy a gun.

Since the key problem here is in the importing, all of this could be resolved if we had a domestic manufacturer of airsoft guns. :rolleyes:

I don't know too many places in town here that you could walk into a store with a wad of cash and buy airsoft - the stuff in Canadian Tire, S.I.R., and other retailers is "Soft-Air" and the two are light years apart in dimensions, construction quality, and actual useability. That clear plastic Crossmann crap isn't worth mentioning in the same sentance as the word airsoft. For some reason (Because they're clear? Because Crossmann is a multibillion dollar corporation? Because this country is wack?) that crap isn't considered a Replica Weapon.

The only other place that I know of is a paintball sales place - and like I said earlier, there are always some unscrupulous individuals who do not advertise publicly but will sell airsoft guns to minors at inflated prices to make a quick buck, all the while actually having spent the last 5 years telling his customers how wicked airosft is and that they shouldn't promote war but play paintball instead.....(deep breath)....but that's a rant for another post....

The long and short of it? "Soft-Air" is not airsoft. We cannot import airsoft. Maybe we can import "Soft-Air", but it's all shit, so why bother?

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