Xtreme Tactics Forum

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-   -   XT at Meville Sept. 27th (Abandoned Hospital) (http://xtreme-tactics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1357)

Zeta 08-12-2008 08:43 PM

XT at Melville Sept. 27th (Abandoned Hospital)
Xtreme Tactics will be hosting a game at Counterfeit Combat's abandoned hospital On September 27th.

Game rules and regulations will be very similar to our existing rules and regulations.

At the moment we are not certain if we will have any rentals available for this event. (We are leaning towards no rentals).

We are also in the process of getting a bus for this event. For obvious reasons, the bus is “pending” as this depends on the amount of interest in renting a bus. We will provide you with more information once we have it (cost, departure times, etc).
Without enough interest this event and transportation will not be available.

Details are still being worked out with this game. So please stay tuned.

Please note:
Xtreme Tactics is purely a "host" for this event. We are not making any profits from this event what so ever. The only reason we are taking up this responsibility is to improve the name of airsoft in Canada and to help our fellow airsoft community at Counterfeit Combat.

Location: Melville, Saskatchewan (Abandoned Hospital. Think “Silent Hill”)
Event Starting Time: 12:00pm
Finishing Time: 8:00pm
Event Fee: $40

If you are interested please state the following:

-User Name
-One or two day event?
-Bus usage? (I know this is a very vague question as this really depends on the cost per seating. But we would like to know a rough idea).


-Interested in playing two days
-Interested in renting a bus

Apocalypse 08-13-2008 02:21 PM

I'm interested but without details I couldn't commit. One day is better than two for me. I can barely live through 45 minutes at XT as it is! Bus would be good, save me the trouble of begging a ride.

I'd also recommend spreading the word beyond this forum.

Zeta 08-14-2008 05:42 PM


We will :) And I understand your situation as this is very "vague" to begin with.

But like I said this is just general information to let everyone know that this game exist as we just confirmed the date with Counterfeit Combat not too long ago. Details are still being worked out. As soon as everything is ready to be "presented" we will let everyone know.

We just figured that the sooner everyone knows this game exist, the higher the chances of having a larger number of players (as people would need time to make the arrangements for the game like booking the time off, etc).

Tripcee 08-19-2008 01:52 PM

you know ill be there.

DRAVEN 08-26-2008 06:37 AM

will there be very loud nades being used ?

Zeta 08-26-2008 03:37 PM

I personally don't know as that is field owner's decision/call. I will ask him about it and get back to you.


DRAVEN 08-27-2008 04:15 PM

thanx gord i saw the video from last game and i am not down with hearing loss so someone can think they are cool!

Zeta 08-27-2008 08:59 PM


I just confirmed and the only grenades that are allowed are the AI grenades (and perhaps the PFI ones). So pyro grenades are a no go.

Are you showing up?

UPDATE: The bus is a no go. Sorry guys. We will try our best to arrange for drivers and have a convoy set up.


DRAVEN 08-28-2008 02:18 PM

i will see what i can do i would like to go, just have to check the bank and such lol

TheToastmaster 08-28-2008 10:44 PM

I'm quite interested. Pending a good arrangement to get out, and time off work I am in.

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