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-   -   Pistol Only Game, Sign Up (Tuesday, April 18th) New objective based game (http://xtreme-tactics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=690)

p.phresh 04-13-2006 05:44 PM

Pistol Only Game, Sign Up (Tuesday, April 18th) New objective based game
The date is set for April 18th. Sign up and registration at 7:30, game begins promply at 8:00.

Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, you all know the drill.... BUT this time, we are going to be playing a new objective based scenario.

We've tested the game out a couple times already and have played it ourselves. We all loved the new game. We've also tweaked it a little, since we noticed some of the downfalls. I should note though, this game is only fun if your whole team is playing to win, and is objective oriented. You've all tried to play a briefcase game where people didn't care about finding it, all they wanted to do was shoot people... so you all know that's no fun.


Basically this game is capture the flag, but with multiple flags. There will be several flags positioned throughout the arena. Your objective will be to capture as many flags as you (your team) can. You can only carry one flag at a time, and you cannot pick one up and throw it ahead of yourself either, you must pick it up and place it down.

Once you've found/picked up a flag you will transport your flag to your base. There is a designated place to put your flags. This designated spots cannot be moved to anywhere else and must remain where it is. These spots are located near the entrance to the bases, so the opposing team can see how many flags your team has.

If you are shot at any time while carrying the flag you must drop it where you stand.

If the teams are uneven, like 5 v 4, then one person on the larger team will not be able to touch or transport any flags.

We realize that camping in the bases and waiting for the other team to arrive is a big downer, and on your honor, you won't allow any more than 2 people in the base at a time. But also to insure this we will sound an air horn, signalling that everyone, except for 1 player, must leave the base for 30 seconds.

The team at the end with the most flags wins.
At this time there are 8 flags, we may add more before Tuesday though.

Pistol Game Rules:

8 points for consumption:

'Small' Capacity: 19 rounds and less per magazine [1 pt]
'Medium' Capacity: 20 to 27 Rounds per magazine [2 pt]
'Large' Capacity Greater than 28 rounds and more per magazine [3pt]

Semi-auto only [1 pt]
select fire semi/full [4pt]

mag restrictions are as follows:
maximum 4 mags total

April 18th

Registration at 7:30
game starts promptly at 8:00

1. Gord
2. Trip
3. malfactor
4. cosmo
5. toastmaster
6. darryl

malfactor 04-13-2006 07:28 PM

Oh hells yeah! I'm there!

Neverhood 04-13-2006 08:44 PM

awww, my damn exam is the next day :(

Jyce 04-13-2006 10:31 PM

i have work, or else i would so be there...

Cosmonaut 1 04-14-2006 04:02 PM

Sure, I'll show up as per the norm.

TheToastmaster 04-15-2006 01:38 PM

Sweet, time to take the Scorp out on someone's ass. :D

malfactor 04-17-2006 06:44 AM

My buddy Darryl wants to come too!

Firewalker 04-17-2006 02:01 PM

I'll see if I can get a ride down there, if I can, then I'm in... I'll keep you updated.

Firewalker 04-18-2006 07:46 AM

I'm not gonna be able to make this one, my lead guitarist (I'm in a band) wants to finish up some songs so we can get them solid before we head into the studio. So I'm gonna be unable to attend as this is happening right after work.

TheToastmaster 04-20-2006 10:46 AM

Another great pistol night. Cool scenario too.
Are you going to keep those flags around for different games?

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