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Spirit 09-05-2007 07:30 PM

How much indoor?
how much does it cost to play in the indoor facility if you bring all of your own equipment?

freecomfighter 09-05-2007 08:28 PM

Maybe if you were to check where it says "price packages" you wouldn't need to waste my time to answer this question


Spirit 09-05-2007 09:05 PM

the cheepest package i saw was $18 and the way i understand it, is that it includes "4 Full Standard Mags (hi-caps not included), Tatical Vest of Your Choice, Goggles/Face Mask, 45 Minutes of Game Time, Holster or Sling if Needed" maybe i'm wrong, and that means that if you have all that, then its only $18. but if its still $18 even if you bring everything yourself, thats really expensive, when the outdoor is $10 for 2 hours... and thats brand new

freecomfighter 09-05-2007 09:52 PM

The outdoor, if you bring your own stuff, still works out to being pretty close to the same price when you work in the cost of gas. It may end up being a couple bucks cheaper, but not by much. You have to take into account all that is needed to run an indoor facility inside the city limits. Now i'm not going to get into details about everything because I by no means know everything. But people have been paying the $18 for quite some time now, myself included, so clearly it can't be all that bad.

And when you bring your own stuff, the only thing you "need" to use of theirs is the facemask and the ammo. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure thats all I ever use when i'm there.

Maverick0 09-06-2007 08:20 AM

You can bring your own mask, which I personally prefer but I think you have to get it tested (read: shot at repeatedly) at xt before they let you use it.

18$ isn't so bad if you consider it's almost double that to rent a package. Even then, in my opinion it's worth paying that every now and again to have some fun :)

Spirit 09-06-2007 02:38 PM

thanks a lot, you've answered all my questions :) oh, actually, i have one more, and its just for clarification, when it says "excluding high caps" that means that i can only take low cap mags correct?

Maverick0 09-06-2007 02:41 PM

I've heard of there being exceptions to the hi cap rule but don't take my word for it. If you have an odd gun that xt doesn't have magazines for and all you have is a hi cap, that'd probably be fine, but they may not let you fill it all the way so you don't have like twice as much ammo as everyone else.

For any of your questions here though, you'd be better off calling and asking them just to be 100% sure.

ThunderCactus 09-06-2007 02:42 PM

nobody really likes to have hicaps outdoors anyway, we're a pro-lowcap province

Maverick0 09-06-2007 02:43 PM

I almost always run out of ammo at the worst time possible... it's hilarious and great :p

Hooray for lo-caps!! Having to reload kind of makes it funner too ;)

Spirit 09-06-2007 02:45 PM

thank you guys! i planned on using low caps anyways, but i just wanted to make sure.

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