Thread: CQB Scenarios
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Old 10-18-2011, 10:27 AM
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Ranz Ranz is offline
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Posts: 133
Default Ammo Stash

Each team will compete to reach their ammo stash hidden somewhere in the arena.

Before each round, each player will be limited to one magazine for both their primary and secondary weapon. Each team will be assigned an ammo crate and will personally place their remaining magazines in the crate. The crates will then be hidden in the arena and the round will start.

15 points will be awarded to each team that reaches their ammo crate.
10 additional points will be awarded if the team can successfully capture the opposing team's ammo crate and transport it back to respawn. Teams must find their own ammo crate before capturing the opposing team’s crate.

Once an opposing team's ammo crate is brought back to respawn, the round will end.

Players using guns that require high capacity magazines will be limited to only their secondary weapon at the beginning of the round.

Players can only use their own magazines and cannot use any of the opposing team's ammo.
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