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Old 03-13-2012, 10:20 AM
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Ranz Ranz is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 133
Default Semi-final Scenarios

As in previous league finals, the semi-final scenario will be announced and briefed to all teams right before their games on Sunday. This is how the finals have been run in the past, so if you have any objections please fire me a PM, but remember, all teams are expected to adapt and formulate a plan in limited time, regardless of league officials changing various factors of the scenario on the fly. As I told teams on Sunday, each player is paying to play in this league and we try and provide a higher level of game play and challenge than your usual deathmatch.

We have supplied you with the weekly scenarios to help your teams plan ahead. By now, all teams should have developed a team dynamic that will allow them to deal with any scenario we throw at them, regardless of how much time you have to prepare.

Semi-final scenarios will incorporate various elements from different scenarios and will test both the co-operation and communication of all teams. This year we will be introducing various perks and bonus for teams that work well together as a team and successfully communicate and implement their plans. The break down of bonus points will be posted later this week.

Good luck to all teams!
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