Thread: shotgun
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Old 09-25-2005, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGamerXxX
IM going to tell you one thing about shotties... they're impractical for XT... not sure about outdoors... but indoors... very impractical.. unless you have the dough to get like 20 shells with it or something crazy,

THink of it as a springer... that needs shells (for most of them), slow shooting, not too accurate either.

Luke w.

Have you used a shotgun in XT?
The TM ones are very accurate. I use 4 shells in there, and sometimes go and buy another 2- sometimes. The rate of fire on them isn't as high as something automatic, but they fire 3 bbs every shot, making your chance to hit much higher.
The Maruzen gas ones are decent for XT too (though they're old), you do need many shells for them since they spit a shell out each shot (and a shell bag so you don't lose your shells). They fire between 1 and 10 bbs when you fire them though (depends how many you put in the shell ), so you can get quite the spread for CQB. The shells for those are supposed to be pretty cheap.
The Maruzen spring ones don't even use shells, they use magazines that are less realistic, but hold 40 bbs. For a springer that's as light and easy to cock as the 870, 40 rounds is great. XT rents these ones; I think they have a working TM tactical launcher also which is like the crappier little brother of the other TM shotguns.

Using a shotgun at XT doesn't put you at great disadvantage if you know how to use it. You're obviously not going to provide suppressing fire like you can with an LMG, but if it's your style a shotgun can be great for XT.
It's probably best for you to rent one and see at XT, though. Like any gun, you should get an idea of what your style is before you buy a gun.
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