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Old 11-03-2005, 06:50 AM
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Jyce Jyce is offline
XT post whore
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Winninpeg-Behind that lamp-pole
Posts: 368

Just remember, airsoft is expensive like anysport, but if you compare it to a sport like hockey, or foot ball, it seems reasonable,

For airsoft you spend around 500-600 for a new gun and accessories(im talking about a hald decent GBB pistol) then maybe another 50-150 on tactical slings/clothing, which comes out to about 550-750$ a year,
were as foot ball and hockey, if you want half decent equipment, it will cost somewere between 500-700$ a year for equipment also.

and also, the main reason why airsofter's buy their own gun's/equipment is so they know it's their gun, all the quirks, and if they can rely on it. the secondary reason is It saves you Money at XT if you go in and rent a gun it will cost you around 30-40 dollars(depending if you have an upgraded gun) if you have your own gun, BAYUM 18$, and if your a XT member, you get 15% off of that price!

there are many reasons to buy your own airsoft equipment if you enjoy airsoft, it's not just because you are "hardcore" into the sport.

I hope this helped
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