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Old 08-26-2006, 01:06 PM
Zeta Zeta is offline
the boss.
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 157

Sometimes common logic should apply when you think about bothersome situations.

Why are we so protective of our sport?

a) We love it and MADE airsoft apart of our lifestyle.
b) We have invested lots of money into the sport and it would be stupid of us to mess things up for ourselves.

Now think of this. Does Jay meet both requirement a & b? YES. If not he won't be trying so hard to push airsoft the way he does. Or to open up a new field of us (Airsofters) to play at. And judging by the guns and kits he owns, he has probably spent more $$$ then a majority of us out here. This means he should be “more afraid” of losing his stuff. He has also spent countless hours developing his field on his own! Just so everyone can have a good game. Exactly what some of you did when KS:2.5 was on its way. I'm sure after all the construction your bodies were all wasted and tired. Yet you don't regret one moment of it because you know that when game time comes, players will appreciate it and most importantly you will feel a sense of self satisfaction.

I probably meet requirements a & b the most because my life revolves around it (Literally). So why would I want to take any risk that might cost me any of this? Ask yourself that.
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