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Old 05-28-2005, 02:36 PM
Zeta Zeta is offline
the boss.
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 157
Default Before posting please read the following:

1. Always remember to check back on the "Scheduled Games" section for a confirmation of your time. Don't assume that because you "requested" for a game it's automatically on the list.

Same goes for answering machine bookings, please wait for us to call you back with a confirmation and PLEASE leave a call back number.
It's not good when you attempt to book a game on an already booked time slot and not leave us a number for us to contacting you back. That way we can call you to let you know that you are trying to double book us or for us to refer you a better time slot.

2. Only games involving 18+ players have the right to reserve a private game. Anything less will remain open. Now if you do not prefer others to join, on the status simply write "not seeking addtional players". We cannot reject walk in's on small scale games. It doesn't really make much sense for us business wise, nor is it fair for walk in's either.

Now if you enjoy small scale games with just your buddies, it's probably best for you to come on less busy hours (nothing prime).

Thank you for your understanding.

Xtreme Tactics Staff
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