Thread: Need Two people
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Old 11-08-2006, 05:49 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 37
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Default Need Two people

Uhh hi. As it says I need two people for the cqb challenge. And if I dont find them in here then I'll proably show up for Nov. 14 looking for people (if my memory serves me corectly) I think this is where it goes. Theres four of us on the team 2 16 year olds one 17 year old and the team leader. We are n00b to playing indoors. We mostly play outdoors further north of winnipeg. Our team is called "FoxDie" in case you dont know what that is its a virus. So yeah........young or old, new or pro dont matter. Unless I have to pick....then i think i'll pick 1 noob and one pro.
Why did you go to XT..I'll tell you why its because.....
You enjoy all the the shooting thats why

Proud to be brown

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