Thread: A question
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Old 11-18-2006, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by MadMac
After pulling out my "Poor writing -> English" handbook, I think what NEECHOLOGY is really wondering is this:

"If there were another indoor Airsoft facility in Winnipeg, would the staff of both facilities face off against each other? Would I be able to bet money on who would win the game? Since my writing isn't expressive enough, I'll add lots of question marks to make it look like I'm asking the question `hard'."

And the answer is... there would probably be a friendly rivalry between the two places that would probably culminate in a match or two between them. In fact, now that I think about it, the event would probably make a good fundraising event for some cause or other.

Jesus Christ. Where can I get a copy of this mirical book? I must say, I'm extremely impressed with your translation.
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