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Old 11-25-2006, 12:23 PM
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MadMac MadMac is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 25

It's because of this that I think Canada's special forces and intelligence service are pretty good. JTF-2 and CSIS operate via the principle of "security via obscurity," where the vast majority of the general population is unaware of their existance. Compare that to organizations such as the NSA or CIA, who have had countless movies/books/video games based on them and their operating procedures, thus getting people thinking about them and potentially thinking of ways to avoid being caught.

Heck, this type of security is used when shipping gold from mines in the far North of Canada; they're shipped on flat bed trucks with plain tarps over top, looking just like a shipment of nickel or some other large goods. No police escort, no special security, nothing at all!

A friend of mine in the army told me about the JTF-2 physical test; it sounded quite extreme. I don't remember the specifics, but I do know it started out with a roughly 5 km run at high speed, followed by push-ups immediately after; the lactic acid in your body is building, all the blood flow is in your legs, and then you immediately switch to another muscle group entirely that hasn't been used much for the past few minutes.
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