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Old 05-23-2007, 03:56 AM
Vortex Vortex is offline
not so n00b
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Athens
Posts: 97

Originally Posted by ak_boy
i'm just wondering here what is considered as a good gun, cause i have an AK and i haven't been in a war yet. it shoots 240fps and like 500-600 round a minute. i would like to know ahead of time if this gun is up to par and if i'm going to get owned like the noob i am, lol

umm good gun lets see. Well there is not really anygood gun out there if you like it well its good if you dont well its crap. Dont ask us wat a good gun is because its up to you to find a good gun. we can help you a lil bit reaserch would be your best friend in this case to find a good gun.

If you want a gun that can go through 500-600 rnds go for a SAW or LMG.
If you cant hit anything with those 500-600 rnds well theres something really wrong with you then.

its not a war its games war is using real guns and shooting ppl to kill them.
If your gun is only shooting 240 fps then ya i will laugh at you HAHAHA.

it doesnt matter if you have 500-1000 dollars in ur gun your still gonna get owned like a noob. LOL.

If you dont wanna get owned heres a few tips
-Dont stick your head out
-Learn how to aim
-Dont yell and scream
-Listen to the Vets that are playing on your side they will give you some good advice on the field
and thats it.

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